Legal hub

Legal hub

Family law

Solace Feature Image Legal Version 2

Traditionally Ever After

In 2022, 4 376 customary marriages were registered. Customary marriages hold profound cultural significance in South Africa, symbolising the union of two families through time-honoured traditions.
Honouring Your Legacy Wills and Heritage 1

Honouring Your Legacy: Wills and Heritage

In South Africa, cultural heritage is a cornerstone of personal identity. As diverse traditions and beliefs shape our lives, preserving this heritage is key to our legacy. Drafting a legally sound Will is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your cultural values and assets are passed down according to your wishes.
Legal Understanding Womens Legal Rights in South Africa Feature

Understanding Women's Legal Rights in South Africa

South Africa has made significant strides towards gender equality, ensuring women's rights are protected and promoted across various spheres of life.

Labour law

Legal Commemorating June 16th Feature

June 16th: Commemorating the Soweto Uprising and Reflecting on the Right to Education in South Africa

As we commemorate Youth Day and remember the Soweto Uprising we discuss how the law and education intersect
Dom workers Feature

Domestic workers, our nation’s companions.

The last few years have seen improvements made to the conditions of employment for South Africa's domestic workers. Our July article details everything a domestic worker's employment should include, to make sure that you are up to date and compliant.
Employee contracts Feature Image 2

What should be in your employment contract?

Employment contract. #IWishILearntThatInSchool – Part of our series supporting the youth. When reading your employment contract, these are things you should look for. Access other #IWishILearntThatInSchool articles and videos With Legal&Tax you’re not alone. Auth FSP

Civil law


Hit-and-Run Incidents in South Africa

South Africa's roads are considered some of the most dangerous in the world, with hit-and-run accidents tragically claiming lives and leaving others devastated every year.
Legal POA 2023 Feature

ANCs, POAs, and the other acronyms of true love

Whether it’s ANCs, POAs, CAs, your LWT, or yet another string of letters you’ve never heard of, there can be a pile of paperwork that goes into joining your life with someone else’s. Whether you are thinking marriage and all its available forms in SA, or if you would prefer to live together without getting the government involved, or even if you are already married and looking at the ultimate bond, we are here to help you find the right agreement for you.
My AI Lawyer feature

Why My AI Lawyer is changing the face of legal advice

My AI Lawyer is making legal services more accessible and affordable, right here in South Africa where access to justice is still one of our biggest issues.


VAS More from Section 27 Feature

The Right to Medical Advice

Knowledge can mean the difference between life and death. One needs to be able to ask for help, from the qualified professionals who can give us this advice, safely.


Legal Raise a Voice Against GBV Feature

Breaking the Silence

As we approach World Social Justice Day, it's crucial to shine a light on one of the most pressing issues facing South Africa: Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

Funeral planning

Solace Feature Image Legal Version 2

The Ultimate Act of Love This Valentine's Day

The benefits of having a will, protecting your legacy, and avoiding legal complications.
Funeral Avoid Scams 2

Avoid funeral cover scams

Funeral policies are there to help soothe the grief of a final goodbye to a loved one. When policies are not what was advertised, it adds to the pain. This month, we outline how you can check that your funeral policy is not a scam.
Funeral Rising risk of road deaths 2023 Feature

Accidental Death and Road accidents

As many of us are gearing up to go home and away, we need to talk about road safety. We all know that the roads are actually a dangerous place, but we don’t always remember that while we’re walking or driving.

Estate planning

Funeral Death and Taxes 2023 Feature

Death & Taxes

Understanding Estate Tax in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide and What to Expect as a Beneficiary

Burial or Bling?

From mushrooms to diamonds, here are five weird and wonderful ways to spend eternity.
Funeral Dead right Feature

Last Rights

Not a lot really. While legally your own rights will no longer exist, there are the rights of those left behind, and the courtesies that we extend to them during their grief.

Constitutional law

Oh SA, fairest of them all

Tired of all the negativity? Five reasons why the South African Constitution is an international champion.
Legal Rights are only half of it 2023 Feature

Bill of Responsibilities

“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it” ~ Pirke Avot


VAS Life long learning comes with lifelong testing Feature

Lifelong Learning for Lifelong Testing

The greatest lesson we never learnt at school was how much we will have to learn on our own. From Grade One to Matric, we can’t wait “to be done with school”. Ha. Tell us another one.
Legal The Future of Work Feature

The Future of Work

This article discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the future of work in South Africa on Workers Day, including high unemployment rates and the impact of automation on the labour market. It emphasises the importance of investing in upskilling programs to prepare the workforce for the demands of the 21st century.


Funeral What happens if no one claims your body 2023 Feature

What happens to you if no one claims your body?

The hardest day of your life will be the day that you admit that you cannot afford to say goodbye to the people who mattered most.

Consumer protection

Legal Rules and Regulations of Winter Feature

Winter Safety Guidelines: Ensuring Your Safety and Comfort

As Winter arrives in South Africa, it's crucial to prioritize safety and comfort. This article provides important guidelines for choosing the right heating options, such as paraffin and LPG, while emphasising the need to adhere to safety regulations. It also offers tips for safely using paraffin and handling LPG cylinders. Additionally, the article discusses responsible practices for open fires, including selecting appropriate materials and maintaining a safe distance from flammable objects. By following these guidelines, readers can ensure their well-being during the colder months.

Workplace law

Solace Feature 3

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

In South Africa, a woman loses her life to violence every six hours by her intimate partner, a stark reminder of the deep-seated crisis of gender-based violence (GBV). These numbers aren't just statistics; they represent lives cut short, families shattered, and communities left to mourn. As we approach 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, equip yourself and your community with knowledge of the rights and support available to break the cycle of abuse.
Legal You Testimonials Banners3

Why it’s important to read your employment contract

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. We explain the impact of not reading or understanding your employment contract in 39 seconds
How to accumulate your leave

How to accumulate leave and when you can apply

In this article, we will be exploring all the different types of leave and when you have the right to apply


Protecting your Right to Parent your children

Protecting your Right to Parent

Every parent wants to make sure that their children are safe, nurtured and secure. Even if you are unmarried or divorced, the law is on your side when it comes to your rights as a parent. Let’s take a closer look at how the law helps protect your parenting rights

Workers News Hub

Good news! The quest for employment continues.

You would be forgiven for thinking that might be a bleak intro to an article on employment, but bear with us. The road goes up and down, and we cannot lose faith in tomorrow.

Template agreements

Last will and testament

Joint Last Will and Testament Template

A joint will is the will of two people contained in a single document. Typically, a husband and a wife will execute a joint will. Joint wills have various advantages and benefits depending on the aims and goals of the parties involved.
Template contract

AI Lawyer

Legal Anti Scam AI Feature

Anti-Scam AI

We have put together this list of common scams and the best way to use our AI Lawyer to protect yourself against anything that might try to ask for personal details or actual money.
Try out South Africa's first AI Lawyer

Get instant and affordable legal help with our legal AI bot on WhatsApp. Our virtual legal assistant simplifies the legal experience and provides personalized advice and on-demand assistance, all from your phone. Consult with a lawyer online and access AI-powered legal services that are accessible to Solace benefit members.

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