


Tax smart Feature

2022 Tax Companion

Tax season 2022 is here and so are the answers to the Top 10 most frequently asked questions about income tax.

Labour law

Woman holding rands

Understanding your payslip

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. We all like getting paid, but understanding the paperwork that goes with it is important. Check out your payslip to make sure you have everything you need.


Understanding the Two Pot Retirement System Feature

Tax Implications for South Africans

South Africa's new Two-Pot Retirement System introduces flexible savings options along with significant tax implications, learn practical tips to protect your retirement fund
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Tax Season Essentials

The essential questions and answers for the Tax Season 2024
VAS Demystifying Tax Season in South Africa Feature

Demystifying Tax Season in South Africa

Tax Season opens on 1 July. Find out everything you need to know before filing your tax return


Solace Feature 4

The Pressing Debt Crisis in South Africa

About 25 million adults in South Africa have incurred some form of debt, a situation that has continued to grow in recent years. Millions of South Africans are now under severe financial strain, with the cost-of-living crisis, unemployment rates climbing, and economic growth sluggish. With debt becoming a universal issue, you should explore ways to take control of your finances.
VAS Credit Score For Young Professionals Feature

Building a Solid Credit Foundation

In today’s financial landscape, a good credit score is essential for young professionals looking to secure their financial future. Whether it’s for obtaining a home loan, renting an apartment, or even getting a job, a healthy credit score can open many doors.
Meal prep VAS Feature

Navigating Load-Shedding Challenges

South Africans are no strangers to the challenges posed by loadshedding, a reality that disrupts daily routines and impacts various aspects of life.


VAS Debt budgeting for black Friday VAS Feature

Black Friday Budgeting

Are you dreading the impending Black Friday spending spree and worried about your finances? Legal&Tax has got you covered!
VAS The Economic Rollercoaster 2023 Feature

SA's Rollercoaster Economy

We’re a nation known for our diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures, but we’ve been facing a series of economic challenges in recent years. As we look ahead to the coming months, it is crucial to address the pitfalls that we’ll encounter in the pursuit of economic stability and growth.
VAS Putting your wages to work Feature

Putting your wages to work

No one in SA can afford to play games with their money these days, so here are a couple of helpful tips to get your wages working for you.


Start saving today become a millioniare tomorrow

Why you should start saving today

The power of compound interest is often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. In simple terms, it means that you earn interest on the interest you’ve already earned and reinvested into your savings or investment account.

Consumer protection

VAS No such thing as a free lunch Feature

There is no such thing as a free lunch!

How many times have you heard that there is this “free service” or extra benefit that you get if you pay now, sign up, get registered etc? Let us be the first to tell you that it is not free. You are paying for it somewhere. The cost of that service, product, or “gift” has been worked into your fees somewhere in order to ensure that business doesn’t lose money. It would be great if we got things for free, but inevitably you will get what you pay for.


debt management and budgeting

Odd jobs to earn you extra cash while still studying

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. 22 seconds filled with ideas for your side hustle.
Steps to take when faced with a sudden loss of income

What to do in the event of a sudden loss of income

Losing your job or having to pay for unforeseen expenses like vehicle repairs, or a medical emergency can instantly change your financial situation. What can you do?
Interest rates and debt management

The interest rates of credit agreements and how to better manage your debt

The costs of interest can quickly become exorbitant. Read the pros and cons of the different types of interest and avoid any unnecessary debt.

I wish I learnt that in school

African businesswoman smiling at desk 299130290

Budget Breakdown

Budgeting #IWishILearntThatInSchool – Part of our series supporting the youth. Breakdown your necessities, savings and luxuries. Access other #IWishILearntThatInSchool articles and videos With Legal&Tax you’re not alone. Auth FSP
Tax return submission

Three ways to register as a taxpayer

Not sure how to register as a taxpayer? Our expert outlines three ways to make sure you're registered with the South African Revenue Service.
Tax Talk Feature Image

Tax benefits for independent contractors

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. Did you know you can deduct work related expenses from your gross income?

67 ways we are your companion

Tax Talk Feature Image

Tax Companion webinar

Our tax consultant Thembani Mtamo dives into your most frequently asked questions around the 2022 Tax Season. He covers the importance of submitting a return, even if you're under the threshold, supporting documents for claims, and much more.
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